One Billion Rising is the beginning of the new world ignited by a new energy. It is not the end of our struggle but the escalation of it.
We are suggesting that on 14 February, everyone who rises makes a pledge to do one thing in the next year to end violence against women and girls. It can be as simple as telling your boyfriend to use another tone or as major as assuring the certainty of your country's laws. It can be writing liberation songs or poems or it can be creating watchdog networks that zero in on crimes against women and girls. The idea is TO PLEDGE TO DO SOMETHING. AND THEN DO IT. We believe a billion people will rise. Imagine a billion activated pledges.
The One Billion Rising Pledge to End Violence Against Women and Girls
I am one of the One Billion Rising and I PLEDGE that on 14 February 2013, I will make violence against women and girls the central issue of our time and help to end it in my family, school, job, community/city/state/country by doing
the following.